What is Server-Side Rendering (SSR)?

Server-Side Rendering (SSR) is a technique where web pages are generated on the server and sent to the client as fully rendered HTML.

Detailed Definition

Server-Side Rendering (SSR) is a web application technique where the initial content is generated on the server rather than in the client's browser. This approach involves the server processing the application's logic, data fetching, and template rendering to produce HTML that is then sent to the client. SSR is often used to improve initial page load times, enhance search engine optimization (SEO), and provide a better experience for users with slower devices or network connections. It's particularly useful for content-heavy websites and applications where fast initial renders and SEO are critical.

How It Works

Server-Side Rendering typically works through the following steps:

  • Request Handling: The server receives a request for a web page.

  • Data Fetching: The server retrieves necessary data from databases or APIs.

  • Template Processing: The server populates HTML templates with the fetched data.

  • HTML Generation: A fully formed HTML document is created on the server.

  • Response: The server sends the complete HTML to the client's browser.

  • Client-side Hydration: JavaScript on the client may take over for interactivity.

Subsequent Interactions: Further user actions may be handled client-side or server-side.

Key aspects of SSR:

  • Improved Initial Load Time: Users see content faster, especially on slower connections.

  • Better SEO: Search engines can easily crawl and index the fully rendered content.

  • Enhanced Performance on Low-Power Devices: Reduces client-side processing requirements.

Relevance to Flowdrive

For Flowdrive, supporting Server-Side Rendering workflows enhances its File Hosting services:

  • Content Delivery: Facilitates efficient delivery of assets used in SSR applications.

  • Webflow Compatibility: Supports SSR capabilities in Webflow-generated sites.

  • API Integration: Provides fast data access for server-side content generation.

  • Performance Optimization: Assists in delivering optimized assets for SSR pages.

  • Version Control: Helps manage different versions of SSR templates and assets.

  • CDN Support: Accelerates the delivery of server-rendered pages and associated assets.

Flowdrive's SSR support complements its Dynamic Site hosting capabilities, offering a robust solution for modern web applications. It's particularly valuable for content-rich sites, e-commerce platforms, and applications requiring strong SEO performance.


  1. An e-commerce site uses Flowdrive to host product images and data, leveraging SSR to generate fast-loading, SEO-friendly product pages.

  2. A news portal utilizes Flowdrive for content storage, employing SSR to deliver articles quickly while maintaining good search engine visibility.

  3. A Webflow-created website with dynamic elements uses Flowdrive and SSR to ensure fast initial page loads and optimal SEO performance.

  4. A multilingual corporate website hosted on Flowdrive uses SSR to generate language-specific pages efficiently for global users.

  5. A real estate listing platform employs Flowdrive for image hosting and SSR for generating property pages, ensuring fast load times and easy indexing by search engines.

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