What is OAuth?

OAuth is an open standard for access delegation, commonly used as a way for internet users to grant websites or applications access to their information on other websites but without giving them the passwords.

Detailed Definition

OAuth (Open Authorization) is an open standard for access delegation. It serves as a secure way for users to grant third-party applications limited access to their resources without sharing their credentials. OAuth has become the industry standard for secure API authorization, allowing services to authenticate and authorize requests in a standard way. It's widely used by major tech companies and is crucial for enabling seamless integrations between different web services while maintaining user privacy and security.

How It Works

OAuth typically works through the following flow:

  • Request: The client requests authorization from the user.

  • Authorization: The user authorizes the request, usually through a login prompt.

  • Authorization Grant: The authorization server issues an authorization grant to the client.

  • Access Token Request: The client requests an access token using the authorization grant.

  • Access Token Issuance: The authorization server validates the grant and issues an access token.

  • Resource Access: The client uses the access token to access protected resources on the resource server.

Key aspects of OAuth:

  • Token-Based: Uses tokens instead of user credentials for access.

  • Limited Scope: Allows fine-grained control over what resources can be accessed.

  • Time-Limited: Access tokens typically expire after a set time for security.

  • Revocable: Users can revoke access at any time without changing their password.

Relevance to Flowdrive

For Flowdrive, implementing OAuth is essential for secure File Hosting services:

  • Secure API Access: Enables third-party applications to securely access Flowdrive's API.

  • User Privacy: Allows users to grant limited access to their files without sharing credentials.

  • Webflow Integration: Facilitates secure connections between Webflow projects and Flowdrive.

  • Single Sign-On: Supports SSO capabilities for seamless user experience across platforms.

  • Third-Party Integrations: Enables secure integration with various tools and services.

  • User Permissions: Works alongside Flowdrive's permission system for granular access control.

OAuth implementation in Flowdrive enhances its security features and expands its interoperability with other services. It's particularly important for businesses looking to integrate Flowdrive into their existing software ecosystem or develop custom applications using Flowdrive's services.


  1. A project management tool uses OAuth to connect to users' Flowdrive accounts, allowing file attachments without storing Flowdrive credentials.

  2. A mobile app implements Flowdrive's OAuth flow to allow users to access and edit their Flowdrive-hosted files securely.

  3. A Webflow site utilizes OAuth to integrate Flowdrive for managing user-uploaded content without compromising security.

  4. A document signing service uses OAuth to securely access and update files stored in users' Flowdrive accounts.

  5. An automated backup solution implements Flowdrive's OAuth to perform regular backups of user files without requiring direct password access.

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