Save Bandwidth Costs On Webflow - How To Host Files With Flowdrive

Reduce bandwidth costs with Flowdrive's hosting for multimedia files and code. Start with a free plan offering 1GB storage or upgrade for unlimited hosting without quality loss.


Your website is made up of pages, and each page is a collection of code files, documents, and multimedia files. These files are what your website visitors interact with. They determine the quality of your website and impact the cost of your bandwidth.

If you build on Webflow, chances are you’ve had to compress your file sizes (losing quality in the process) or purchase a higher bandwidth plan to host quality files. Quite often, hosting files in Webflow forces you to choose between these two options.

Flowdrive helps you save on bandwidth costs, without compromising quality - here’s how:

  • With Flowdrive’s free plan, you can host up to 50 multimedia files or documents of any type, each up to 20MB in size, and enjoy up to 1GB of free storage.
  • It gets better with the paid plans. Flowdrive’s plans are value-packed, cost-effective, and offer you the flexibility of monthly payments.
  • The right plan grants you access to unlimited storage, ensuring that you never have to run out of bandwidth.
  • Integrating video content into your website has never been easier.

With Flowdrive, you can host your files, codes, and documents without straining your budget. Below is a step-by-step guide to get you started.

Hosting Files on Flowdrive

  1. To host your files, login to your Flowdrive account


  1. On your dashboard, click on Files


  1. Click the upload button to upload a file from your computer. You can upload any file (including videos) of the stated file size in your plan.


  1. Once uploaded, you’ll see the file on your dashboard with details of the file size, type and date uploaded.


Hosting Codes

Code editor allows you to host your HTML, CSS or JavaScript program codes directly on your Flowdrive account.


You can also host files uploaded by users through the form upload feature, or transfer them directly from your webflow dashboard by using the transfer button.

The video on Transfer Files pages guides you on how to transfer your hosted files from Webflow into Flowdrive.


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Take Control of your File Hosting on Webflow

Easily upload, manage, and host your files without without bandwidth cost and enhanced SEO benefits.

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